
学生 perform ballet, opera, ancient drama, parody—and so much more

By Aubri Juhasz, 18岁

Barnard students don’t just take to the stage to sing and 跳舞—they also do improv, 歌剧表演, 创作口语单词, 模仿写, 艺术展览, 把古希腊戏剧搬上舞台. In these pages, we highlight the artistry of the performance groups based at Barnard. (There are many more groups based at Columbia or co-sponsored by both schools, 十大电竞游戏综合排名和哥伦比亚大学的学生可以成为任何团体的成员.) With drama, comedy, and everything in between, these 11 groups delight their audiences.




In photo (from left): Ally Sterling GS/JTS ’18, Yadira Capaz ’17, and Edmund Qiu SEAS ’17


合作表演艺术团体的使命, 被称为CoLab, 是“创造艺术?, 承担风险, 有时还会穿傻乎乎的服装.虽然主要由舞者和编舞组成, 它的表演还包括带来现场音乐的艺术家, 视觉艺术, 摄影, 电影, 还有口语. For its fall showcase, CoLab performed several student-choreographed pieces, including 应遵循结构 , a mix of postmodern 跳舞 and breakdancing acrobatics by Yadira Capaz ’17, 谁受到舞踏的启发, 二战后的日本舞蹈形式. The 跳舞rs created abstract shapes with their bodies to form what Capaz describes as “an otherworldly landscape.”




圣诞节! 已经成为校园的节日传统了吗. Inaugurated in 2006 as a parody of the Radio City Christmas Spectacular, 圣诞节! 通过歌曲呈现了对假日季节的讽刺, 跳舞, and merriment that is chock-full of references to pop culture and current events. 照片中:红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫(中), 亚历山大·布朗扮演的CC ' 19, runs away to start a new life in 纽约市 and meets a Columbia student named Noelle, 由19岁的瑞秋·格林菲尔德(Rachel Greenfield)饰演(穿着圆点衬衫). 两人因为对内疚的共同理解而走到了一起.
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In photo (from left): Tara Anand ’20, Annabel Torres ’18, and Sophia Salingaros CC ’19

The no-cuts policy of the ballet ensemble known as 多维数据集 gives first-time 跳舞rs the opportunity to get on the stage. Classically trained ballet 跳舞rs Rebecca Bass ’15 和Rebecca Schwarz Aronson ’15 founded the group in 2013. 去年,多维数据集演出了全长芭蕾舞剧 爱丽丝梦游仙境 有40多名学生. 多维数据集 has roles for less-experienced 跳舞rs so everyone who wants can participate. The group has also given performances for patients at New York-Presbyterian/Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital.
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照片:(前景)Maeve Duffy ' 17和Aaron Fisher CC ' 18

“给我一个物体的名字,” shouts a member of Third Wheel Improv at the audience during one of their signature bits, 叫做“推销员之死”.“吸尘器”!“牙线。!“鸡块”!他们回答说. Next, a student performer acts out an untimely death as the result of that dental floss or nugget. 该组织也欢迎非会员尝试即兴表演. Third Wheel recently hosted its first annual Spare Tires Improv Festival, 从纽约大学带来的团队, 鲍登, 欧柏林, 福特汉姆, and the University of Delaware to Barnard for five comedic hours of performance.
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去年秋天,一个多媒体展览叫做 gave visitors a sensory experience of depressive and manic states with displays of photographs, 电影, 还有现场舞蹈表演. (照片中:Nadia Mbonde ' 17描绘了抑郁症.)展览结束时,与会者进行了30分钟的交流, 包括黛博拉·斯帕尔总统, discussed how mental illness affects a person and how art can be used to heal. 情人节是为了表演Eve Ensler的歌而成立的 阴道独白 但近年来,它扩大了关注范围. 今年春天,情人节将展出 访问|能力 , which will explore the experiences of students of color who have disabilities, 包括心理健康问题.



照片(背面), 左起):catherine Gioino CC ' 19和Alexandra Warrick ' 17, (前, 从左起)Venya Gushchin CC ' 18和Luke Cregan CC ' 19


Latenite剧院适合夜猫子. 这个团体通常在晚上11点演出.m.在其他校园活动结束后. The eclectic collection of one-act plays ranges from the dramatic to the absurd. Latenite’s fall showcase included seven plays selected from almost 50 submissions. 在剧中 解码器广告 (右), a product called “the social decoder” helps people figure out what others are really thinking in awkward social situations.
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照片中:“新娘," 20岁的玛吉·弗利特拉, 是在无意识地追逐她嫉妒的前情人吗, 比尔, 闯进她的婚礼彩排,开枪打死她.

"别再徘徊了,游牧民族组织承诺道, which provides undergraduate playwrights the opportunity to see their work come to life on the stage. 今年秋天,游牧民族出现了 哦,杀了他们 这部音乐剧模仿了2003年昆汀·塔伦蒂诺(Quentin Tarantino)的电影 杀死比尔 . 去年春天,它生产了 Hillaryous , a musical about Hillary Clinton featuring the music of Taylor Swift. “We produce theatre that is creative and unique,” says Jordan Goodson CC ’18.



In photo: Cleome Barber ’20 in Bach’s cantata The Contest Between Phoebus and Pan, (回, 从左起)19岁的玛丽亚·马雷罗和20岁的乔丹·戈尔茨坦

Madeleine Collier ’19 “got swept up in the music and drama of opera” as a child, 她回忆说, when her mother took her to a performance by a local opera company near her home in Arizona. She has studied opera since she was 12, and last fall appeared in a lead role in Mozart’s operetta 的经理 与新歌剧工作室合作. “A lot of colleges have opera workshop programs that are restricted to vocal performance majors,科利尔解释道. 十大电竞游戏综合排名的小组对所有学生开放. “There’s often a perception that opera is inaccessible or meant for a certain audience, 但我希望我们能改变一些观点.”



照片:(前)Tejashree Gopal ' 18, (后, 从左起)汉普顿·亚当斯19岁, Imani James CC ' 17, 埃德温·库朗格斯CC ' 19, 丽兹·菲利普斯CC ' 20, 命运斯普里尔CC ' 20, 凯蒂·康诺利,18届, 弗朗西斯卡·利斯宾塞,18岁, Eva Mullineaux, 20岁, 索菲亚·理查兹18岁

Hearing Bacchantae sing “College on a Hilltop” has served for decades as the unofficial welcome to Barnard’s campus for first-year students. 无伴奏合唱团演唱“spunky”, 深情的, 愚蠢的, 性感的, 还有绝妙的自编流行音乐, 民间, 和R&B,”根据该组织的使命宣言. 自20世纪80年代以来,它一直是一个受人喜爱的校园团体. “Bacchants”—as they call one another—arrange their own music and perform at venues across the city, 从里佐利书店到纽约植物园. Last year, the group hosted its first annual “Brunchchantae” to meet with and sing for alumnae.
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照片(背面), 左起):Kristin Arsenault ' 19, 米塔利·德赛19年, and Maddy Teller ’19; (前, 左起)20岁的Madeline Altman和17岁的Alina Sodano

一年级新生成群结队地参加即兴表演团体Control Top的试镜, 谁的成员有时会成为校园名人. Control Top的指导原则是“无私奉献”,根据该组织的使命宣言. Co-presidents Alina Sodano ’17 and Sophia Bannister ’19 joke that the best part of being in Control Top “is having a reason to cover the school with posters of our faces.” Notable alumnae include founder Charlie Dinkin ’12, whose one-woman show, 查理·丁金:童星 , 在2015年爱丁堡艺穗节上获得了好评如潮, 16岁的克里斯蒂娜·埃尔斯伯格和15岁的奥利维亚·莱文, who have performed solo comedy routines at 纽约市’s Gotham Comedy Club.
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A woman in white walks past a group of women in black, kneeling on a stage
图片:索福克勒斯的《十大电竞游戏综合排名》, 2016年在希腊上演, 女主人公, 得伊阿尼拉, 是由三个学生演奏的吗, 包括高中生伊丽莎白·麦克纳马拉(见图).

40年来, Barnard students have performed a play every year in the original Latin or ancient Greek. This spring, the Barnard Columbia 古代话剧团 will perform Seneca’s Troades ( 《世界十大电子游戏平台》 拉丁文). Getting on stage makes the students “comfortable with learning a dead language,古典文学教授海伦·福利说, 谁是学术顾问. Performing “is a form of intellectual investigation that makes the works come alive.” 学生 of Latin and Greek from across the city attend performances, 并放映英文字幕.
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— Photographs by Anna Demidova, Phoebe Jones ’18, and Joseph Henry Ritter


Boxer Zinnat Ferdous ’16 is aiming for Bangladesh’s first Olympic medal